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Racing through senior year | Parkers Prairie, MN Senior Photographer

Ok, you will get my take on a dad joke with the title of this post in a few seconds.

But remember last week’s post on Megan’s senior session? Aaron is another senior from Parkers Prairie! Hey Aaron!

Aaron knew what he wanted for his senior session, which I LOVE. He knew the type  of locations, his clothing, and he definitely knew he wanted his bike.

He told me about how he races, and while I was intrigued I am also a mom, so I got nervous for him and his momma. I know…let them fly and they will build their wings on the way down. Well….at his session when he put on his racing shirt it was perfect, that is exactly what he does. Fly. He told me that his whole social media is all of him on a bike, him racing his bike, him flying on his bike. Gulp.

Best to you Aaron! Be safe!!

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